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Opening the Light to the World비사광장

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I would like to make foregin friends for exchanging languages and cultures...
2023-05-28 08:08:48

My name is Scott, and I am Korean. I am wititng this introdution with the hope of establishing a friendship and exploring our cultural differences, language, and similarities.

Living in a globalized world, I believe it is important to connect with individuals from diverse backgrounds. It is through such connections that we broaden our perspectives, challenge our preconceived notions, and foster mutual understanding. With that in mind, I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to build a friendship with someone from a different part of the world like yourself.

I have always been fascinated by other countrys' rich history, vibrant traditions, and breathtaking landscapes. Through our conversations, I hope to gain a deeper insight into your culture and way of life. In return, I would be more than happy to share with you the wonders of my own country, its traditions, and its unique heritage.

Aside from our cultural exchange, I believe that having an international friend brings a plethora of benefits. It allows us to exchange ideas, learn new languages, and develop lifelong connections. I am excited to embark on this journey of friendship, discovering new perspectives, and building a bond based on trust and respect.

If you are interested in forging this international friendship, I would be thrilled to hear from you. You can reach me via email, jgdo@nate.com or phone number, 010-8737-5244. Please feel free to share your thoughts, interests, or any questions you may have. I am eager to learn more about you and your experiences.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I genuinely look forward to the possibility of becoming friends and sharing memorable moments together, even if we are physically distant. Let's bridge the gap between our worlds and create a friendship that transcends borders.

Wishing you all the best, and I hope to hear from you soon.

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